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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson
24 - The Power Of Keyword Specificity...
I've been reading lots of stuff lately on improving website performance and
one theme has come through over and get maximum leverage from your
website you MUST build content related to the specific keywords people are
searching for.
But not just any keywords, you want to build pages around the keywords people
are searching for when they are about to BUY a product.
Let me explain...
Imagine you are thinking of buying a new golf club, let's say a driver,
because you want to add extra length to your drives (all your mates can
out-drive you by 20 yards or more and you want to make up for that using a
little bit of the latest technology to help you out :-).
You start your research into the best driver to choose by entering the
keyword phrase golf drivers into your
favorite search engine.
Your search query comes up with 150 million pages loosely related to the
phrase golf drivers. That's just too many listings to look through to make a
buying decision, but you start your research there anyway.
Boy, Let's Trim That Down A
You look through the first few listings (,, etc.) and
find out that many people are recommending the Big Berth driver and it has some
great reviews from leading pros.
You look at the competition in the driver market and you decide that one of
the big bertha range is probably the club for you.
Next, you do a search for big bertha divers
and come up with 1.2 million pages of information to wade through.
You come up with three or four sites on the first couple of pages that look
Most of them are shopping sites with no real content, but a couple of them
have useful articles related to Big Bertha drivers.
You settle on the Big Bertha titanium 454 driver.
Now you are ready to actually BUY this club, so you enter the phrase buy
big bertha titanium 454 driver into your search engine to find the
best price.
You now search for the best price and deliver conditions (hey you want it today
now that it's sooo close :-) and buy the driver from the merchant of your
Can you see the distinction?
The keyword phrase golf
drivers is a research keyword.
The keyword phrase big
bertha divers defines the search further, but it still isn't specific
enough for most people to make a buying decision. They are still often in
'research' mode at this stage.
The keyword phrase buy
big bertha titanium 454 driver is a buying phrase.
These are the phrases you want to build your tier three or four pages for.
These are the 'money' pages where people will click through to your merchant
after they have been PRE-sold on the benefits of buying the big bertha titanium
454 driver.
Your keywords for the pages in your site's structure would be -
You won't get many people arriving on the last two pages, but the visitors
who do come will be ready to buy a big bertha
titanium 454 driver!
And you'll be right there to recommend your merchant to them...and earn a
referral commission :-)
But doesn't that mean you have to build lots of pages related to all of these
products and services? For example, there would be hundreds of different golf
drivers on the market.
Well, yes, if you want to make the most money you will...
By having pages related to all of the drivers available you will gradually
rank well for some, then more of them over time.
Then your good rankings for these easy-to-rank-for pages will start to see
your harder keyword focused pages to rank well as well.
I've mentioned before the value of reading through the examples in the
Sitesell Case Studies site and one thing I noticed in Jerry
Mack's story is this phrase...
"The pages I built based on product model
numbers brought in traffic because they were usually ranked very high in the
search engines -- and that traffic, while lower, was super-targeted."
Please read the phrase above again.
Can you see what Jerry is saying here?
He uses the specific model numbers of the equipment he sells as the primary
keywords on the tier three or four pages of his website.
When somebody wants to buy a Sonosite
180plus they do a search for this model and find Jerry's page. The read his
benefit laden copy and click on the 'Special Pricing' link at the bottom...and
Jerry makes a sale.
Want another example?
Mark Liron's c00d11cd
error page gives a fix for a common problem with Windows Media player. While
the advice on fixing the problem is free, Mark has included all sorts of product
recommendations and Google Adsense on this page to monetize it.
This is how master affiliates and web marketers turn their sites into super
profitable businesses
How can you use Mark and
Jerry's sites
as a model for your own?
By finding the exact, specific model numbers of the products and services
your affiliate merchants sell, and building keyword focused content pages for
each one.
Put great PRE selling copy on your pages, a picture of the product on the
page if possible that is also a hyperlink to the specific product on your
merchant's website or order page, and you're set.
Then do it for all of the products in your merchant's range that you want to
You also need to build pages for the important research keywords as you will
start to rank well for these over time (see The TAO Of SBI inside Site Central
for why this happens) but your focused product related pages will bring in a
stream of highly targeted, ready-to-buy
visitors who have done their research and are ready to take action.
How sweet is that?
I hope this lesson helps you to increase your website's revenue and puts you
on the way to becoming a super affiliate or selling a lot more of your own
products and services.
Until next week,

P.S. And don't forget, if you want to
move on with the next lesson, or review any of the other lessons in this
coaching course, you can by visiting
this page.