How Do I Upload A .PDF
mp3 File Into Solo Build It?
Question - How do I upload a .PDF file into Solo Build It and then give my
visitors the download link so they can grab a copy?
Answer - Click
here to watch the video (opens in a new window) Remember, if the audio
starts before you can see the video, please restart the video when it becomes
visible so you don't miss anything.
The HTML code you'll need for creating your own upload page is below.
highlight the contents of the box below and paste it into a text editor such as
Notepad (not a word processor like Microsoft word) - then change the website URL
and the document name to your own as outlined in the video.
The HTML code for creating your own download link is below.
As you did for the code above, simply highlight the
contents of the box below and paste it into a text editor such as Notepad (not a
word processor like Microsoft word) - then change the website URL and the
document name to your own as outlined in the video.
Now you can offer your website visitors either free or paid
ebook downloads right from your site.
By the way, the Digital photography ebook mentioned in this video is a draft
copy of part of a multi-media training product I'm working on, so it's OK if you
grab a copy and read it if you'd like to:-)
Uploading mp3's into Solo Build It is the same procedure as uploading .pdf's, except that the HTML page you build using Notepad to upload them should contain this text instead -
You upload mp3's into the media-files folder, not the support-files as you do with .pdf's.
Your download link text would be something like this -
Make sure you change the website name to your own and put the correct file name
in where it says NAME-OF-YOUR-MP3-FILE-HERE.mp3
For more information on uploading media and support files into Solo Build It, visit
the Sitesell Forums and search for uploading .PDF or uploading mp3
Hope it all works well for you...