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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 21 - Creating Your Own
Viral Ebooks And Mini Courses
Hello again,
Today's lesson is short and sweet. You're going to learn how viral ebooks can give your traffic a significant long-term boost using an example I've created
to show you the system in action.
First up, visit -
...and subscribe to the mini course I've created to promote SBI.
Maybe you don't want to go as all out as I have here with your first project, so once you've done that, visit -
...and download the scaled down version of the ecourse.
Study these two viral products in detail. The mini course is much more powerful,
but the ebook works well too.
I don't ask for an email address for the ebook (I'm testing the response to
see if it affects the number of downloads) but you should always ask people to
give you their names and email addresses so you can follow up with them in the
Brainstorm how you can do a similar thing for your niche market and put your ebook together.
Then, get it out there...
Some important tips -
* Make sure you have a way of getting people who download your ebook onto a list
* Put a disclaimer similar to mine inside to cover don't know who will be reading your free ebook and if you
promise to make your reader's parrot sing like an angel and it doesn't work for some reason, you don't want to get sued
by some brain dead parrot lover...
* Keep your ebooks short until you get the hang of it
* Promote two or three affiliate programs maximum in your ebook and preferably only promote one.
You can promote other products later on once you have your reader's name and email address
* Write and submit articles to attract people to your download page like
the one I've written here
* Use
this traffic generation system when you are ready to attract additional
people to download your mini course or ebook through Pay Per Click advertising
If you need a program to create .PDF files, you can get a free one here -
That's it for this week.
Make sure you send me a copy of your viral ebook as soon as it's ready and I'll check it out.
Until next week,

P.S. And don't forget, you can review any of the other lessons in this coaching
course by visiting
this page.