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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson
36 - Why PREselling Is So Important To
Your Online Success...
If you've read Make Your Content Presell or the Action Guide at all you'll be
familiar with the concept of Preselling.
Just to recap, Preselling is where you encourage your visitor to click
through to your sales page or your affiliate merchant's link using a combination
of techniques such as -
Providing useful content that
shows your visitor what to do but doesn't show her how
to do it. The answer lies on the next page
Offers a benefit that your
visitor simply must have with the only way they can get it being to click
through to your merchant's site
Makes your visitor curious about
what they are missing out on so they click through to your merchant's page
Giving them very limited
information and then asking them to click through to another page for all
the details
...any combination of these and
many others
While all of these (and many more ideas discussed in Make Your Content
Presell) are all valid, the main reason you should Presell is this -
It should be your goal as a marketer, as opposed
to simply being a sales person out to make money by promoting a random group of
products and services to as many people as possible, to become your client's
most trusted adviser - -their "go-to" guy - on the topic that encompasses
your area of expertise.
Your goal should be to advise, not sell. You should have your prospects and
clients best interests at heart. You are trying to serve - not sell...
You should make it your mission to offer them only products and services that
make their lives better - you should never allow them to buy any more, or any
less, of any product or service than what is absolutely in their best
In essence, you should be seeking a long-term, mutually profitable
relationship with every person who visits your website which goes far beyond the
first transaction by providing the best, most honest advice you possible can in
every communication you have with each prospect or client.
To do this, you have to understand their needs, hopes, dreams and desires so
you can emphasize with them and give them the exact help and advice they need.
Unfortunately, this is not always what happens online (or offline for that
Every day I see people promoting stuff with only one aim - to make a buck.
It doesn't matter that the product is crap, there's money to be made and
thousands of affiliates get caught up in promoting overpriced junk with no
regard for the buyers needs or goals.
This is a recipe for long-term disaster...
It only takes one poor, financially motivated recommendation to turn your
list of happy customers stone cold and kill it dead. You have to be so careful
when recommending products and services to others that it's obvious that you
have their needs in mind.
Something else to consider -
Do you offer your clients information or advice?
What's the difference?
Information can be interpreted in a thousands different ways, depending on
who's listening and receiving it.
Advice is definitive - your clients and customers can convert advice into
action that will help them move forward.
Want an example?
When you visit your family doctor with a pain in the arm, are you seeking
information or advice.
Would you like your doctor to tell you what's wrong with you and then let you
walk out the door, or would you like him to give you advice on how to treat your
Similarly, when you go to your accountant with a tax problem, do you want
information or advice on how to solve it?
Of course, you want a solution. You want these professionals to say,
"Well first, do this, next, do this, and finally, do this, and here's the
outcome you should expect."
This is advice. It is definitive and can be used as a basis for action.
This is how you should communicate with your clients and customers. Don't
just give them information - as long as you are qualified to do so, give them
advice. Now in many instances, your customer's problem isn't as obvious as a
pain in the arm or a tax issue that needs resolving, so you have to tell them
that they actually have one.
This is where you introduce a common problem that others have had to your
customers, emotionalize the problem so that they can feel it themselves, and
then give them advice on how to solve it for themselves if they are affected.
This problem/solution model works really well for marketers and you should
use it yourself in your market to bring up problems that many people l didn't
even know they had until you mention it...
Now giving advice in some areas without knowing your client's specific
background and circumstances can be dangerous (and in some cases, illegal) so
you need to take this into consideration.
However in most markets other than medical and financial, you should be OK to
give specific instructions to people that will help a broad range of them to
actually solve their problems.
Of course, part of the solution is to buy your recommended product, service
or other resource, and this is where Preselling goes into overdrive.
Give people advice, then recommend the perfect product or service to them to
help them accomplish whatever it was that you told them to do.
And when you give people advice, always ask these questions -
If I were to receive this
proposal, why would I want this?
Why would I want to take this
offer up at this time?
What's in it for the customer?
Why is doing this better that
what they are currently doing - or doing nothing at all?
How will this make them feel
better about themselves, their families, ther business, their future, and
their lives?
These questions will help you to clarify why your client, customer or
prospects should take action on your advice. Don't forget, your customers are
already asking themselves these sorts of questions, so make sure you ask them
first so you can come up with compelling answers before they do.
This will increase your website's conversions, make you more money, and
ensure you have happy, satisfied customers who treat your recommendations
seriously and buy from you again and again.
Well, if you have a list of customers and prospects they will be able to buy
from you again and again anyway. This is why I've stressed so often that your
website's Most Wanted Response should be to capture your visitor's name and
email address (at least).
By doing this, you are building a valuable asset that will give you long-term
profits instead of selling your visitors off to others fro cents in the
Action Steps
Become an advisor.
Approach every page you write, every email you send, every telephone
conversation as a trusted professional who is trying to help your customer
find the best solution and avoid mistakes.
Get good at what you do. Study
your market and become an expert in helping people solve their problems.
Hang around forums and find out what problems others are having, then create
solutions that will help solve them.
Share the problems, challenges
and opportunities others in your market have found and recommend solutions
that help your customers solve them for themselves. Discuss what your
customer's real options are and give them alternatives to consider.
Have your best wishes in mind for
person you come into contact with, even if that person never does business
with you in their life. Your sincerity will shine through and even it they
don't do business with you, they could recommend other to you who will.
Your customers are looking for
results, less pain, more comfort, greater profitability, more
productivity...give it to them. Listen to them and act on their concerns and
fears. Provide real solutions to help them achieve what they are trying to
In markets where it's not illegal
to do so, provide specific, concrete plans, checklists and other actionable
tools that people can use to solve their problems. Recommending outside
resources is merely part of your service - you don't argue with your Doctor
when he prescribes medication for you, and you take your accountant's advice
to do business through an LLC when he suggests this. Both of these things
cost you extra over and above their consulting fees, and you happily pay it
because your adviser told you that you needed them. This is the position you
want to be in with your clients and customers...
Create and cultivate your list of
prospects and customers. Build a strong relationship with these people and
you will be set for life!
Preselling is an ongoing task that you do every day in every communication
you create. Make sure you never let an opportunity go by without cultivating
your clients and prospects further...
That's it for this lesson,
Until next time,

P.S. Having problems? If you'd like a hand with anything to do with
getting your Solo Build It site performing at it's best, make
sure you visit my services page to see how I can assist you in getting the
most out of SBI.
P.P.S. And if you want to
move on with the next lesson, or review any of the other lessons in this
coaching course, you can by visiting
this page.