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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 2 - The First Steps To Finding Your Niche

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Hi again,

Here are some housekeeping items that will help you stay organized as you build your new website.

1) All of the lessons you'll receive are sent by email. You want to keep them for reference. Please create a folder in your inbox called !Rocky's Lessons! right now. If you're using Microsoft Outlook, make sure it doesn't archive this new folder.

2) Create a folder in "My Documents" called !Rocky's Lessons! also.

This will help you keep track of all the information you'll collect for your website project.

Remember - you'll be doing a lot of research about affiliate programs, writing your web pages, link exchange partners, etc. You need one location to keep all this information.


You'll be glad you did.

3) Each lesson has tips and activities for new SBI owners and people with existing Solo Build It sites. The lessons for NEW SBI owners will be presented first, while the lessons for existing owners will be presented below them.

Just navigate to the lesson that's relevant to you and get started when you are ready.

Now, I know you want to get started right away, but first, please turn your speakers up and listen to this short personal message for some important information about today's lesson...

For New SBI Owners

Ok, here's the article I mentioned that will help you to start get focused on what sort of topic is right for you...

Step 1 - Watch The 4 Keys To Building A Successful SBI Site video series where I share my thoughts on how to find a high probability niche market so you don't spend the next 12 months wasting your time building a site that nobody wants to visit. Click Here To Watch The Videos.

Step 2 - The Power Of A Super Tight Niche is a great article that will give you lots of ideas for your brand new website (you'll need your SBI username and login to read this one). Read It Here

Step 3 - If you haven't done so yet, download your bonus ebook, Finding Your Perfect Niche by 'Right Clicking' here and choosing 'Save Target As'.

Grab a drink and go through these resources, you'll have lots of ideas to research in your quest to find the perfect market for you to build your new web business around..

For Existing SBI Owners

Step 1 - Watch The 4 Keys To Building A Successful SBI Site video series where I share my thoughts on how to zero in on the exact part of your existing market where all the BUYERS are. This will help you to take your SBI site from where it is now to where you want to be. 

Your goal should be to focus your time and energy on helping these people to solve their problems; do that, and you'll fall in love with SBI. Miss this critical distinction, and your site will struggle to ever achieve it's true potential.

Click Here To Watch The Videos.

I'm sure that's more than enough for today. I'll be in touch tomorrow with your next update.

Until then,


P.S. And don't forget, if you want to move on with the next lesson, or review any of the other lessons in this coaching course, you can by visiting this page.