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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 18 - Getting
Over The
Hello again,
Just a short message today. It doesn't matter what stage your website is at, you'll probably come to a point where you hit
'The Hump'.
So what's The Hump?
It's that time in your website's life where you've built a good amount of content, you've got some incoming links, you've put
Google Adsense and some affiliate links on...and nothing's happening...
You've found 'The Hump'
Today's article looks at getting over that hump.
To read this great article written by Ken Evoy, visit
this page.
You'll need to log in with your SBI username and password, grab a beverage, and read the entire article.
It's timely advice from the father of
Take it to heart, do as Ken suggests, and you'll get over The Hump and start to create the success you're looking for.
It's worked for thousands of others, it can work for you... Related
site is up and running but I'm not getting the traffic I'd
like to see. What can I do now to start boosting it? Read
That's it for today.
I'd love to hear what you thought of Ken's article.
Until next time,

P.S. And don't forget, you can review any of the other lessons in this coaching
course by visiting
this page.