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Solo Build It Mastery Coaching Lesson 13
- An Introduction To Viral Marketing
Hi again,
There's something that I'm going to give you today - it won't cost you any money (unless you want it to) - but
by you giving it away to other people, it may make YOU money.
Before we go on, please take 2 minutes to listen to an audio message from me.
Turn up your speakers and hit the 'Play' button below -
Harvey Segal has come up with a viral ebook that has so many new ideas and twists in it that it is just bound to
take the Internet by storm.
It is called 'The Ultimate Supertip' and it is not just
an explanation of one of the most powerful principles of Internet marketing, but also a fully working
practical demonstration!
This is a strategy that we'll look at further in the future, but for now, grab yourself a copy of this 25 page book and
learn how you can supercharge your 0nline business using viral marketing.
You can have this book for free - you don't even have to give Harvey your email address - and then
immediately give it away to your friends, subscribers, website visitors, maiden aunts, long-lost cousins and
the really clever neat tricks that Harvey has built into it will start to make you
money right away.
But all that is the icing on the cake - download the book, READ it from cover to cover, and learn one of the
most powerful secrets of Internet marketing at the feet of the master.
And if you suspect I might be guilty of over-hyping (I'm not), read it anyway and tell me what you think.
Visit This Page To Download Harvey's eBook...
Do it right now before you forget - this could be the most important lesson you'll learn today.
That's all for this week. Read Harvey's eBook and think about how you are going to implement the strategy he shares
into your SBI site.
As a side benefit, re-brand it yourself and send it to your friends who may be interested.
It's such a powerful idea I wish I'd thought of it myself :-)
Next week we'll pull Harvey's strategy apart and look at how you can use it in your niche market to set up a viral marketing
system yourself.
Until next week,