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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 20 - Let's Increase
Your Site's Link Popularity By Submitting HUNDREDS Of Those Great Articles...
Hi again,
It's time to start getting your articles published far and wide online...but
it's near on impossible to do it properly without using some sort of leverage.
To get the most out of article submissions, you need to get them out to hundreds
of directories and ezine publishers. But who's got the time?
It seems daunting, but there is a solution.
I used to spend hours each week manually submitting articles to directories
by hand.
That really sucked, and was a giant waste of my time.
Then I grabbed a copy of the Article Submitter software and started to semi
automate the process.
That still sucked, because I still had to sit there for hours manually
entering each site even though the software did much of the work.
Still too slow.
Now I've found the answer.
No matter what hourly rate you think you're worth - $20, $100, $300 or more,
this time saving solution is worth it hands down.
The tool I now use to automatically submit all of my articles is called Unique
Article Wizard.
Because a real human editor actually looks over every one of my articles,
then submits them for me to hundreds of article directories and ezine
I paid a once only lifetime membership fee, and I can submit unlimited
articles forever to places I'd never have imagined they would go.
Bottom line - I invested what I earn for
doing two hours of personal consulting, and I've leveraged my time a hundredfold
by outsourcing the tedious process of submitting my articles out onto the web.
I really enjoy writing them...but not getting them out there.
And that's the bit that matters, isn't it.
If nobody reads what you write, it's no use writing it.
We all know that articles are a great way of getting targeted visitors to our
But it takes a lot of time if you do it yourself.
How much time do you think you could spend doing something you'd rather be
doing by having your articles submitted by a professional instead of doing it
When you consider how much time you'll save for doing more important things, Unique
Article Wizard service is simply a no-brainer.
I'm kicking myself for taking so long to use it. And I've wasted hundreds of
hours getting my articles out instead of outsourcing it.
Don't make the mistake I did.
Check this out now. Then write and submit at last 5 new articles this month to
get the ball rolling.
Hint - What I do is write and submit
three or four articles at time, then book them in (through Article Marketer) to
go out every 3 of 4 days. That way I get a continuous drip feed of new articles
going out to hundreds or even thousands of publishers every week.
It's a really cool system :-)
By regularly releasing new articles to a network of publishers you'll grow
your traffic and profits.
Save your sanity, and use Unique
Article Wizard for your articles submissions. You won't be sorry when you see the
Questions And Answers
I want to get more incoming links to my site. What do you suggest? Read
I've started looking for link partners. Should I consider a "Premium Partners" page for
linking back to directories and for my future link partners? Read
That's all for today.