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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson
25 - Creating Super Effective Affiliate Landing Pages...
Recently we've been looking at ways of making more money from your website
using affiliate programs. A couple of lessons ago we discussed 27 year old
entrepreneur Jeremy Palmer's new book and how he has managed to earn over $1
million online as an affiliate in only his second year.
I know many of you grabbed a copy of his book, so well done on investing in
yourself and continuing your education.
If not, you can get a copy
here... you'll see why you should stop reading this and do it now in a
minute :-)
In an earlier lesson we looked at several ways of increasing the value of
every visitor to your site and one of those ways was to sell high ticket items.
Today I'd like to make it real for you and show you how this works in
practice by sharing some numbers I have on using just one of the techniques
Jeremy discusses in the book - creating effective landing pages - when combined
with promoting a high ticket item.
In this example, I'm using Google Adwords to drive traffic to a landing page
which links to an affiliate merchant. The product sells for $597 and the
affiliate commission is $500 (not bad eh?).
Below are screen shots from three days in the first week of the campaign
after implementing Jeremy's landing page technique.

In this first shot you'll see that my Google ad showed 623 times that day, 22
people clicked on the ad to go to my landing page, and the total cost for the
day was $7.88.
The average position of the ad was 17.2 (in other words, it was showing on page
3 of the Google search results) and 100%
of the people who landed on this page from my Adwords ad clicked through to the
merchant's website!!
If you'll think back to a couple of lessons ago where I mentioned that
getting 1% of your visitors to click through was average, a 100% click through
rate is rather good, don't you think?
Here's another day's results -

Here 86 people or 69% clicked through from my landing page to the merchant's
website. Still not too shabby when you consider the best I'd had before was
around 8% of people clicking through to my merchants.
Here's another day's stats -

On this day, 88% of the people who clicked on my Google Adwords ad visited
the merchant's website. I've seen consistent results like these every day since
I started implementing this new landing page format.
I'm now in the process of rolling it out to different niches on different
sites to test the results. The first impressions are very encouraging :-)
If you've been tracking your stats you'll know that these click through rates
are amazing.
More common click through rates range from below 1% to 10% on a good day and
some sites do much worse that this.
Here's the total all time results for this small test including stats from
after I dropped my bids right down...

As you can see, my ads are showing anywhere between page 2 and page 10 of
Google's search results (this is a highly competitive market) and still I'm
getting clicks. And even better, the conversion rates are holding.
The worst one was a 30% click through rate while the keyword getting the bulk
of the clicks has a 72.22% click through rate to the merchant's site...
That means that nearly three quarters of the people
landing on this page have gone on to the merchant!
If this merchant's site continues to convert prospects to buyers at between
1% and 3% like it has been it will be a very profitable project that once set up
is completely hands off.
My cost per visitor to the merchant's website ranges from 30 cents to $1.10.
Considering the product has a $500 commission and if the sales page converts
just 1% of visitors to buyers, the profits look like this.
No support issues, no personal contact, no shipping...automated, residual've gotta love that :-)
What can you learn from this example?
That you can massively boost
your click through rate (CTR) by using effective landing pages
By increasing the percentage
of people who click through from your site to your merchants (your CTR) you
massively decrease the time between sales
By promoting a high ticket
item in conjunction with a higher click through rate you can exponentially
increase the revenue you make from your websites
I learned how to do much of this from Jeremy and you can implement the exact
same strategy by following
the guidelines in his book.
The other thing you should think about is that you shouldn't be wasting your
time promoting low ticket items to your market.
Every sale I make through this merchant pays $500 in commission and there is
the potential for residual income as well from ongoing commissions.
With such high commissions I can afford to spend a lot of money attracting
each customer so I have more options for marketing this product.
Finding High Paying Affiliate Programs
To Suit Your Niche Market...
Since the last lesson several readers have asked me where they can find high
paying affiliate programs in their niche markets.
Right on cue, Ken has added a new search into the SearchIt
Tool that helps with this task...

Step 1) To find affiliate programs for
your niche, select Monetization
Step 2) Now choose Find Affiliate

Step 3) Enter a keyword related to your
website's niche this example, I've chosen electronics -

Then choose Search It! You will now see a
list of affiliate programs related to the keyword you entered into the search.
Visit these merchants and add suitable programs to your monetization plans.
Look for popular, high paying products and services that other affiliates are
promoting and making profits from.
It's OK to promote ebooks as part of your monetization mix, but the biggest
bang for your buck (and the time you've spent on building your website) is in
promoting high value items that pay large commissions.
That's all for today. I hope this lesson has given you something to think
about and helps you to make more income from your SBI website over the weeks and
months ahead.
Until next time,

P.S. The landing page example I showed
you above is only one thing I learned from Jeremy's ebook. You will learn a lot
from this million dollar earning affiliate and I'm sure you'll find it a
worthwhile investment. You
can check it out here