Thank you for trusting us with your contact details. We
both hate spam, and we'll treat your contact info with care, and promise to keep it under lock and key.
You have registered for:
1. A complementary copy of our Dog Training Tips ebook.
2. Our Dog Club
Newsletter. An irregular publication containing
tips on getting the most out of your relationship with
your canine companion.
As I mentioned earlier, unlike most of the rehashed
rubbish circulating around the web these days, The Dog
Club Newsletter is a real
Newsletter, not just a disguised ad.
A couple of emails are coming to your inbox. The first is a confirmation email. The second has the link to the
download page for the Dog Training Tips ebook.
We're constantly learning and finding new stuff that
can help you as a dog owner, and we'll be sharing this
with you in the newsletter.
Why irregular? Because we love freedom and fun. So
we'll create it for you when we receive a flash of inspiration, or when
we think it's going to be a blast to offer you a juicy
titbit of dog wisdom :-)
3. Some announcements and regular communication pieces from
And for the above, we thank you for your trust and confidence.
we'll be visiting your inbox shortly.