Welcome To The Solo Build It
Mastery Private Member's Area
Here's where you'll find loads of tips and resources, along with
the answers to the most frequently asked questions from my current coaching students...
These are common questions people have asked about how
to get the most out of Solo Build It.
Before you continue, please take two and a half minutes to
listen to a short personal message from me. Just turn up your speakers and hit
the 'Play' button below -
If you have a question that's not answered here, the Sitesell
Forum is the perfect place to get the answers you
If it's a technical question about one of the SBI
modules, then Sitesell
Support is the place to go.
Many people are visual learners, so the SBI Video Action Guide is a great
place to start out your Solo Build It journey if that's you. To visit the Video
Action Guide, click
What sort of information you will find here -
All the lessons for the Solo Build It Mastery Coaching Course
Audio answers to reader's
questions where words just won't do
Camtasia video answers to
questions that needed demonstration or extra explanation
Written answers to many of the
most frequently asked questions for existing members to help you keep
growing and building your SBI website.
Plus, many of the
written answers have links to audios and videos in them as well to help you
learn and understand the core concepts of using SBI
This area is constantly being added to so check back often for the latest
Ok, let's get right into it...
The Solo Build It Mastery Email Coaching Lessons
As a member of this program, you will be receiving regular lessons in the
Solo Build It Mastery Coaching Course. I've tried to design the lessons so that
they arrive at your inbox at around the time you'll need them if you are just
starting out on the Internet.
Of course, it's impossible to know for sure when you'll be
ready for each segment of the course because everyone's skill level and
understanding is different, so I've created a master page that contains a
listing of all the lessons I've done so far and I'll be adding to it regularly.
This means you can go through the lessons at your own pace, and if you want
to skip ahead of the email lessons on which they are based, please feel free to
do so.
If you would like to review any of the coaching lesson from the course,
can do that from the Coaching Lesson Home page.
Audio Answers -
1. How do I know which keywords to keep
as I start my research and which ones to delete. Listen
2. How do I get your coaching messages intact? I'm using AOL
and it seems to strip the links out of them. Listen
3. What's the best position and layout for my
adsense ads? Listen
4. How many keywords should I put on each
page of my site? Listen
5. Is Solo Build It the right choice for building affiliate
sites? Listen
6. Can two people be working inside Site Central
at the same time from different computers? Listen
7. Need more ideas for finding the perfect niche?
Here's several places you can continue your search. Listen
8. How do I use Name Park It
to redirect people from similar domains to my main SBI site? Listen
9. Can I put a Squeeze Page
on my Home Page? Listen
Video Tutorials -
Important Note - The audio on some of
these videos may start playing before the picture fully loads into your browser
if you have a slow Internet connection.
If this happens, please wait until the picture is visible, then stop the
video using the 'stop' button on the bottom of the player (this may require
hitting the stop button twice) and then re-start the video again by choosing
1. I'm having trouble re-sizing and then uploading
graphics into SBI using the Graphics Library. How can I make the
graphic file sizes smaller so SBI accepts them? Watch
the video
2. Can you explain in more detail how to set up my
pages to rank well? Watch
the videos from this page
3. Do all my pages have to include variations of my
main keyword or can I go a little off topic with them? Watch
the video
4. How do I upload a .PDF file into SBI? Watch
the video from this page
5. I'd like to put graphics next to my Google Adsense ads because I've heard
it improves click-throughs. How do I do this? Watch
the video from this page
6. How do I put the Aweber subscriber form code onto my SBI website? Watch
the tutorial videos from this page
7. How do I speed up my brainstorming? I
find it tedious after I do a lateral brainstorm deleting all of the irrelevant
keywords from my MKL. Is there a better way? Yes there is...Watch
the video
8. Would you like to be able to consistently turn $1
into $2 or more using Google? Watch
this tutorial series to see how
9. Not sure about the importance of optimizing your
graphics? Watch
this video tutorial...
10. How do I know which keywords are best to build
my tier three pages around? Watch
these video tutorials
11. How do I find high Adsense value keywords
related to my niche and then monetize them? Watch
the tutorial
12. How do I upload one of the custom Look and Feel
templates into my SBI site? Watch
these video tutorials
13. How do I submit my site to Yahoo
using the Sitesell .txt feed? I've been through Search Engine HQ but I need
help. Watch the
video tutorial from this page
14. How do I use the SBI Page Manager
function to sort my pages into folders? Watch
the tutorial
15. Here's how to create your Tracker Links
to cloak your Affiliate Links and analyze your results. Watch
the videos from this page
16. Can you give me a quick, 5 minute lesson on setting up my page
Yes, watch the
videos from this page
17. How do I add my 5 Pillar Affiliate link
to my website to refer people to Sitesell? Watch
the video tutorial from this page
18. Here's a new video that shows how you can easily grab all of
your competitors main keywords and use them for yourself to find every profitable nook and cranny in your niche.
the video from this page
19. Watch this 6 minute video to see how you can use your website to quickly start creating passive income for yourself and your family.
the video from here
20. I've received several questions from students recently about how to either find profitable niche markets
or how to decide what sort of products they should either create or source affiliate programs for.
the answer including a video tutorial
21. Quite a few students have asked me for a sales
letter template that they can modify to sell their own products or
services. Watch
this video to learn how
The Solo Build It Mastery Article Directory
I've learned a LOT from people like Yanik Silver, John Reese and
Jimmy Brown, and I've put together a collection of my favorite articles for you
to learn from too.
To visit the Solo Build It Mastery
Article Directory and continue your Internet marketing education by
learning from some of the smartest minds on the planet, click
Questions And Answers...
Ok, here we go with the written answers to the most asked questions ... some
of these answers also have audios included to give you additional ideas and
Let's start off at the beginning with...
Choosing A
Niche And Domain Name...
1. Choosing a niche and domain name...can my site cover multiple niches all in the one place?
2. The Power Of A Super Tight Niche is a great article that will give you
lots of ideas for your brand new website (you'll need your SBI username and
login to read this one). Read
It Here
3. Why is Ken so adamant about registering a new domain name for my Solo Build It site. I've already got one, can't I use that?
4. Do I need hyphens in my domain name? Read
5. Not sure about which niche is right for you. Need some inspiration? Visit SBI
Resources and download Michael Holland's ebook, Niche
Treasures. Just use your SBI username and password to log in,
download this great ebook, and start reading.
6. After discussing this with you I'm still confused as to why you stress the lack of
hyphens. Why is this? Read
7. How can I check to see if the domain name I want to use will infringe on anyone's
copyright? Does the Autoweblaw program help me with this? Read
8. I seem to stuck at the site concept keyword. My first thought was to build a site about Classical Guitar - Specialize in its Technique. Can you help?
9. I am thinking of building a
SBI site based around the market of online security. What are your honest
thoughts on this as a niche? Read
10. I've received several questions from students recently about how to either
find profitable niche markets or how to decide what sort of products they should either create or source affiliate programs for.
the answer
11. I've got several potential topics I'm considering to build my website around, but they are very broad and I'm not sure which way to go with this.
How do I decide which topic to stick with out of all of these alternatives, and then how do I maximize the profitability of that topic?
My Answer
12. Covering your butt with a Website Disclaimer and Privacy
Building Content, Formatting And Site Structure...
1. Do I need a logo for my website? Read
2. Is Solo Build It any good for building pure affiliate sites - I don't have my
own product to sell and can't ever see myself creating one? Read
3. I don't
like any of the standard SBI templates. Can I buy
different templates from somebody else and use them with
my SBI site? Read
4. How Many Keywords Should I Use When I'm Building A Page?
5. Need ideas for building web content fast? Log in to SBI
Resources and download Gary Antosh's e-book How To Build Web Content
Just use your SBI username and password to log in, download this great ebook,
and start reading.
6. Should I use singular or plural keywords when naming
pages and choosing which words to use? Read
7. What do you think of directories? Have you ever paid to be listed in a directory? Do you think any of those are worth it?
8. I keep getting these weird keyword phrases coming up in
Brainstormer. How do I use these words in my pages? Read
9. What sort of profitability numbers should
I be looking for when I use the Brainstorm It tool? Read
10. You did mention only using tightly focused keywords, yet Ken also mentions
'word combos' using more general keywords. Could you clarify this situation for
me? Read
11. I've received your lessons on using articles to generate traffic to the site but I'm not ready for that yet. What's next?
Read More
12. Should I be spending time writing website content or submitting articles?
13. I've started to gather information in order to build web pages, but find that I just can't bring myself to build
I don't think they're good enough, what should I do? Read
14. Please explain what the difference is between tier 2 and tier 3
pages? Read
15. What about changing the size of pictures, copyright and tier 2 and 3 pages...?
16. How many pages is too many on one
website? Read
17. Do I need more than one SBI site to cover my niche? Read
18. How Do I resize and then upload graphics to my SBI Website? Read
19. Could you please give me more specific information on page
setup? Read
20. Where can I find royalty free and copyright free pictures and photos I can use on my website?
21. What's a quick easy way to generate ideas for articles and website content?
22. Could you give me some tips on building a Real Estate referral website?
23. Can you give me some advice on building a jewelry
Read More
24. I'm having trouble coming up with content for my site. Can you give me some
suggestions? Use your
SBI username and password to log in here for a great answer...
25. I want to get more incoming links to my site. What do you suggest? Read
26. How do I put a picture on my Solo Build It homepage?
27. I've started looking for link partners. Should I consider a "Premium Partners" page for
linking back to directories and for my future link partners? Read
28. Please give me some guidelines on site
structure, tier two and three pages and how I should proceed now that I've registered my domain name?
29. You mentioned your Hobby and Lifestyle site and said to study the structure there and model it. I'm not sure what you meant by this. Could you please explain further?
30. Do you have someone write the copy for all of your websites for you, or are you
researching and writing it all yourself? Read
31. Do you recommend Niche Content Packages for website content?
32. Can I 'Borrow' your Legal Forms for my own website? Read
33. Could you please give me some tips on building a music
related site?... Note - This
Answer Is Applicable Too Many Niche Markets. Read
34. My art and drawing site concept consists mainly of pictures and not a lot of words for content. Is this going to be a problem?
35. Is there was anywhere I can find a list of various html codes that I can use to
stylize my
site - italics, bold, underline, align, etc? Yes,
Read More
36. I'm stuck writing the content for my home page - HELP!
37. I'm having trouble getting my messages through Sitesell's Webmail
function. What do you recommend? Read
38. I'm having trouble getting my graphics and
pictures formatted correctly. Is there a central resource where I can
learn how to do this? Yes,
log into this Sitesell Forum post
39. I've heard that submitting articles to About.com is a good way of getting
additional visitors and boosting my website's PageRank. How do I do this? Read
More in this SBI Tips article
40. Are we allowed to add a "headline" inside
another's article and not have it count as us "changing their
article" Read
41. Do you have any clue regarding where I go to get Website Liability
Insurance? We want to be protected in case somebody sues us... Read
42. Is it possible to do a subscription or
membership site with the SBI program? Read
43. In Brainstorm It, we need to enter a Google API key
but after applying to the program, we have no idea of what our key is. Can you
help? Read More
44. How do I build a high ranking site around my favorite holiday
spot, Bali? Read
45. How do we minimize Spam complaints when using Form Build It? Read
46. What about double opt-in for Form Build It messages? Read
47. How do I add a Yahoo search box to my
site so my visitors can find pages better? Read
48. Can I stay anonymous and not
reveal my true identity on my website? Read
49. One coaching student asked me how I handle building so many pages on my Solo Build It sites without going stark
raving mad :) Here's my
answer, it might prove useful as you build your site too
50. I recently found to get over 30% of my link exchange
requests not only opened, but ACTED UPON. And nearly half of the website owners who responded linked to me from a second or third
website, without me even asking! Read
51. Can you tell me how you did, the first time, and what you saw and how you overcame the tediousness
of building all of your content? Read
my answer
52. PREselling - What Is An "Open To Buy" Frame Of Mind?
my answer here
53. How I Got NINE Results On Page One Of Google...In 48 Hours...
This 6 1/2 minute video shows you how I got NINE of the first ten search engine results on page one of Google using a simple video...and how you can do it too.
53. More Results From Online Video And Traffic
Geyser...Here's my latest results from submitting videos to Blogging and video sharing sites using Traffic Geyser...
54. How do you get great content written
inexpensively? Here's
one very good way
55. Writing ads? Here's what you need to know to create a compelling headline.
56. Traffic exchanges...do they actually work for generating 'real' visitors to your website?
My Answer
1. Some initial thoughts on monetization...You Are Not Your Monetization Model! Use
your SBI username and password to log in here for a reminder of what building
your web business is all about.
2. Is waiting for inclusion in DMOZ
important before I monetize my website? Read
3. I'm at the stage of starting to build my free newsletter sign-up page and start building my subscriber
list for my niche golf site. Can you give me some tips on getting the most out
of my newsletter using Aweber? Read
4. My
site is up and running but I'm not getting the traffic I'd
like to see. What can I do now to start boosting it? Read
5. When do I monetize my new site? Read
6. What are the best ad sizes and positions for putting
Google Adsense on my website? Read
7. Could you give me any idea what a typical SBI 30-page site makes per month if the site has Adwords and some affiliate programs?
8. How many affiliate links is too many
on one page? Read
9. I'm putting an ebook together to give away for viral purposes. Is the $10 package mentioned in Harvey's
ebook what I need to produce it? Read
10. I'm ready to apply for Google Adsense to start monetizing my site, where do I do that?
11. How can I use SBI to promote merchants who use drop
shipping? Read
12. How Much Does Store Build It Cost? Read
13. Whenever I try to put more than one set of Google Adsense ads on an SBI page, it
cancels out the first set of ads. Why is this?
14. How do I cloak my affiliate links so people won't steal my commissions?
15. How can I use SBI to promote my MLM business?
16. How do I integrate a Paypal Buy Now button into my SBI
site? Read
17. Do you recommend the standard SBI newsletter builder or something else - you mentioned Aweber somewhere?
18. Is there any other way I can monetize my site using ads apart from
Google's Adsense? Yes
try Chitika Ads,
Read More
19. I'm ready to create my audio interview product with the 'guru' in my
niche. Who do you recommend to record the call? Read
20. I don't have a merchant account but want to have the facility to pay and receive credit card
payments. How can that be achieved at minimal
cost? Read
21. My SBI site is coming up for renewal and I haven't made much money, what can I do?
Read More
22. Watch this 6 minute video to see how you can use your website to quickly start creating passive income for yourself and your family.
23. I'm often asked by students "I've built plenty of PREselling content on my Solo Build It site, and I'm getting traffic, so
why aren't people clicking through to my merchants or my sales letter?"
the answer here
24. Why Affiliate Marketing Sucks - The downside of being an affiliate marketer (and why you should be developing your own products and services).
my thoughts here
25. I get a lot of people emailing me asking how they can make more money from their
websites. Today you are going to learn exactly how to do this from a master.
And with what you learn in this free audio, you will be able to get started right away...Listen
26. Clickbank now offers recurring billing - time to create a membership site offer or monthly fee based product.
27. Want to make more affiliate sales? Here's how to increase click throughs to your affiliate merchants...Read
28. Got products to sell but can't do as well as you'd like? Check out the power of having your own product and affiliate program to promote it...Read
Using Solo Build It For Offline Businesses
1. How do I show offline businesses the power of marketing on the web...and get paid for it?
Read More
2. Can you tell me more about how SBI be used to generate offline leads for local business owners...and exactly how do I get paid. Read
3. How do I promote my offline business using my website? Read
4. Here's how to use the Internet to promote your local business to hundreds or even thousands of potential
customers. If you sell products to local customers, a lead generation website could be the best investment you ever made.
5. If you offer a service to customers and you need a constant supply of new prospects, the possibilities for generating all the leads you can handle are endless. You could provide a service that anyone from any part of the world is searching for and needs...Read
Other Questions...
1. How can I find the time to build my SBI site? I'm so
busy these days, how do I fit it all in? Read
2. Can you build my SBI site for me? Read
3. If you are sick of all the crappy sites you find and you want to add value to
the web, but you're not sure if your little site can make it, read this article.
Use your SBI username and
password to log in here
4. Who else do you recommend for Internet marketing information?
5. I know you've spoken about
Jimmy Brown on several occasions. Why do you stress the
importance of us subscribing to his List
and Traffic newsletter so often? Read
6. I have forgotten how to start on the second
website, since I purchased two websites in a recent promotion. Could you please tell me how to do that?
7. How do I get a refund on my SBI website because it's
not working for me? Read
8. How do I track my sales of SBI and
other Sitesell products and how are commissions paid? Read
9. What is the 'secret' of making Solo Build It work
for me? Read More
10. I'm having lots of trouble trying to promote Solo Build It through my
website. Can you help? Read
11. How can I effectively promote SBI using direct mail? Read
12. Could you give me some tips for promoting Solo Build It through direct
Read More
The answer to your question not here?
If you have a question that's not answered here, feel free to contact
me by using this form or visiting the Sitesell
Forum. It's a great place to go for fast results.
Wishing you every success with your SBI website,

The Solo Build It Made Easy Coaching
Program is proudly listed in the
AssociatePrograms.com Affiliate Program Directory