How's the site building going? All moving along nicely I hope.
Did you manage to complete last weeks assignment, then build several pages of your
SBI site focused on your starving crowd?
If not, that's OK, just read through this lesson, then file it away for future reference when you are ready.
OK, before we begin, please listen to this short introductory message...
For new and existing SBI
After you've built your home page and at least 6, and preferably 10 tier two and three pages, it's time to take a break and start
leveraging the content you've already written to attract your first few website visitors.
This process is actually broken down into two parts. Today we'll go through part one, and in a couple of days time when you've completed
these tasks, I'll send you part two where you'll start to generate your first site traffic.
Today's lesson -
Understanding Email Marketing And Creating A Profitable List...
If you are like most people, you are probably
wondering "How do I do email marketing?"
Well lets talk first about why it's important to learn about email marketing and why it's
critical to your success that to do it.
Watch this 5 minute video to learn why understanding email marketing is so
important, and to learn how to do it right...
Now please watch this second video where I share more critical information
and show you inside one of my Aweber autoresponder accounts.
NOTE - In this next video, I say there
are 56 messages in the follow up series, but, err, I showed you the wrong list;
this one's only got 40 messages, sorry :-(
I have other lists in that same account with 5 messages right up to 56. OK,
here's the video -
Email marketing right now is probably the most powerful form of internet communication. If you don't understand internet email, then you are probably
going to make 90% less money than you could be making if you use it effectively.
With most internet products that are sold right now, email marketing is involved in some way. In all of the big product launches going on, email is like the blood that carries the oxygen around the body.
It's really important that you learn how to do email marketing, or you're probably not going to be successful.
Email marketing is really a miracle, because in the past, we couldn't follow up with prospects and do sequences of communication.
Before the email revolution and before the internet, if I wanted to follow up with my prospects over time, I would have to call somebody on the phone or write them a direct mail piece, or visit them in person, and then I'd have to track everything on a card so I know where they were in the sequence.
But now with email marketing, I can use an autoresponder and program a sequence of messages that go out automatically. They get a new message every couple of days in the exact order I want them to receive them, and I can sequence the whole thing, and it automatically runs in the background.
Here's how to set up your email marketing system. What I'd like you to do is -
Step 2 - Take out a piece of paper, and I'd like you to script a conversation you would have if you started going over to your prospect's house every couple of days to build a relationship with them and convince them to buy your stuff.
Script out all the things you'd say and all the questions they would ask, and then I'd like you to convert that into an email sequence.
Now obviously you're not going to be able to get feedback from them and answer their questions on the spot, so you are going to have to imagine the questions they would have, and you have to answer all that stuff in the email sequence.
So, script out that conversation, and write a series of autoresponder messages that build a relationship just like you would do in person.
To help you to create these messages, I'd like you to study The List Profit
System course. You can access this complete email marketing system by visiting
this page.
Step 3 - Now the key to successful email marketing is to do it RIGHT NOW. If you wait past today, if you don't sign up right now for
your Aweber autoresponder account and you don't go and script out your messages and sequence those autoresponders and start getting results right now, then chances are you're never going to do it.
You want to have this system ready BEFORE your
visitors arrive. Every person who joins your email list is like money in the
back. Every day you wait, it's costing you money.
Let's have this ready by tomorrow so we can start having some of your website traffic opting in to your system and you can start making money by tomorrow afternoon.
Go and do this stuff now...
Action Steps
1. Go
to Aweber and grab an account. Watch
this series of tutorial videos that take you step by step through creating
your Aweber account (using their free trial) and adding forms to your SBI
Ken leaves this to much later, but in order to capture as many visitors names as possible, I prefer to do it right up front before
too many visitors start arriving and I lose them because I wasn't ready.
If you have a subscriber form ready, some of these visitors will no doubt join your list, and as
you are going to find out the more you do this, the money in your online business ultimately
is in your subscriber list, not in the casual visitors who come to your site only once and never come back again.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Solo Build It comes with a very limited system called MailOut
manager. It is not an autoresponder, and you won't be able to use the
instructions in The List profit system with it. I strongly recommend you start
off on the right foot and get a dedicated Aweber autoresponder. You'll thank me
If despite it's drawbacks you're still keen on using the Sitesell system, go to Mail out Manager in Site Central and follow the instructions for setting up your mailing list.
If you need help, Day 9 in the Action Guide has all the answers.
If you are using Aweber, create your account and use the online help system they give you to generate the HTML code you need for your email
subscriber capture form.
3.Build your subscriber sign up page. It's just another page of your site with some text and a subscriber form (you can choose this from
the drop down menu in Page Builder as you build your page using the block by block page building system, along with the text block, headline block,
graphic block, etc.)
You can see an example of how I do my subscriber forms here -
Notice the popup that appears seamlessly on that page after about 5 seconds?
That's an Aweber tool that has increased my subscribers on some sites by over 400%
Very powerful stuff...and you should be using one of these too.
That's why I like Aweber so much. That popup cannot be blocked by any browser, so it slips into your reader's view and gently nudges them towards
subscribing to your list.
That's what is working for me. I offer a bonus to encourage subscribers
to join my list, but you don't need that at the start.
You can add a bonus to help convince more subscribers to join your list later on, but for now, let's just get this page online so it's there
for when your visitor arrives.
4. Go back and put an Aweber optin form for your Newsletter in every page you've built and ask your visitors to subscribe.
This is so important I can't stress it enough - you must focus a good portion of your time on building a list of interested
prospects, and then building a relationship with them over time.
Don't just rely on the once off visitor, focus on getting people to subscribe
to your list and you'll have a much more profitable long term business.
this article for a proven page layout formula that will help you to increase
your list size quickly. It's quite simple, but don't worry if this is a little
beyond you right now - it's something to keep in mind for later on.
OK, that's it for today. I'll be in touch again in a couple of days time with part two of this lesson.
In the mean time, get started on this, it's critical to your success...
Coming Up...
In your next lesson, we're going to use a proven strategy that has made many people a lot of money online. It's simple and effective, so
you won't want to miss this message.
I'm having trouble getting my messages through Sitesell's Webmail
function. What do you recommend? Read
I'm at the stage of starting to build my free newsletter sign-up page and start building my subscriber
list for my niche golf site. Can you give me some tips on getting the most out
of my newsletter using Aweber? Read
Do you recommend the standard SBI newsletter builder or something else - you mentioned Aweber somewhere?
I'm at the stage of starting to build my free newsletter
sign-up page and start building my subscriber list for my niche golf site. Can
you give me some tips on getting the most out of my newsletter using Aweber? Read