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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 52 - Two Important Forum Posts You Should Study And Learn From...

Hi again and welcome to this lesson. Today I'd like to share two important Sitesell Forum Posts that will help you to take your SBI site to the next level.

These have been brought to my attention by one of your fellow students - thankyou to Kathryn for sharing these two important threads with me :-)

Ok, here we go...

1. Here's a really interesting thread on using misspelled words to build additional content that attracts extra visitors to your site. 

In particular, study the post from Gabriela from about how she redirects people to the CORRECT page from her optimized, incorrectly spelled traffic generation pages. 

Also, Dusko from has a great tip for using mis-spellings as well. Both are brilliant!

2. Here's an excellent thread that looks at many reasons why your site doesn't have much traffic (if that's you at the moment). 

The coaching course has addressed many of these topics, but it always pays to have a refresher now and then so we can see the missing pieces of our strategy and address problems that may have arisen. 

Make sure you take half an hour out today and study these two posts - they hold valuable clues on how you can get the most out of your SBI site...

That's all for today. 

Until next time,

Take care,

P.S. Don't forget, you can read through all the coaching lessons so far by visiting this page.