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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 4 - Even More Niche And Content Ideas...

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Hi again,

How did you go with your assignments?

I hope you found the time to do some of what I recommended last time. If not, that's OK.

Once you've found your 'starving crowd', it's time to get down to the nitty-gritty and start building (or rebuilding) your website.

Now, before we go on, please turn up your speakers and hit the Play button below to listen to today's short message -

New SBI Owners

Still not sure about which niche (or which part of your current niche) is right for you?

Need some inspiration?

Step 1 - Here's more ideas. Visit SBI Resources and download Michael Holland's ebook, Niche Treasures. Just use your SBI username and password to log in, download this great ebook, and start reading.

Step 2 - If you have any questions, remember that you can check to see if anybody has already asked them by visiting the Private Member's Area.

And remember, if you haven't grabbed your copy of the bonus ebook Finding Your Perfect Niche yet, you can by 'Right Clicking' here and choosing 'Save Target As'.

Grab a drink and read through this short ebooks, you'll have lots of ideas to research in your quest to find the perfect market for you to build your new web business around.

Existing SBI owners

Step 1 - Time for you to move forward with creating content that focuses on attracting and helping the starving crowd you've uncovered. If you haven't found them yet, make sure you get this step completed before you move forward.

By focusing on the desperate people in your niche who are looking for a solution to a pressing problem they have, you'll build a far better long term business than if you try to be all things to all people.

You are NOT Wikipedia, so don't try to be. Find a small group of people who you can truly become a 'guru' for and help them. Forget about everyone else. Focus on those few thousand 'perfect customers' and you'll kick it out of the park.

Step 2 - Write some articles around those keywords you've found using the Brainstormer and post them to your site.

Change them slightly and post them to and to give yourself some leverage from these authority sites. In your articles, put a link back to a page on your SBI site where you offer a free report or some other 'bribe' to encourage your readers to join your mailing list.

Watch this short video for more into...

Step 3 - Building your site can be hard work. Watch this video for my thoughts on the most important thing you can do to make sure it all pays off.

Related Questions And Answers 

Need more ideas for finding the perfect niche? Here's several places you can continue your search. Listen Here

I keep getting these weird keyword phrases coming up in Brainstormer. How do I use these words in my pages? Read More

What sort of profitability numbers should I be looking for when I use the Brainstorm It tool? Read More

You did mention only using tightly focused keywords, yet Ken also mentions 'word combos' using more general keywords. Could you clarify this situation for me? Read More

Need to speed up your brainstorming? Watch this video

Wondering of there is a secret to finding buyers instead of 'lookers'? Yes, there is,  - watch this video

OK, that's if for today, until next week, happy site building :-)


P.S. And don't forget, if you want to move on with the next lesson, or review any of the other lessons in this coaching course, you can by visiting this page.