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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson
39 - Finding Good Content For Your Mini Course Or Autoresponder Messages
Hi again, and welcome to Lesson 39 of your Solo Build It Master Coaching
OK, quite a few people have been badgering me about not being able to come up
with anything to write about for their Mini Courses, Newsletter articles and
autoresponder messages.
Today we are going to look at a couple of ways you can find great content for
your Mini Course and general autoresponder messages.
Let's say that you just don't have time to create a 5 day Mini Course and 25
more follow up messages for your prospects to read.
That's fine, just go to,
find 10 to 30 articles related to your niche, and use them for content.
Here's what you do...
Option 1
Step 1 - Create your autoresponder using Aweber,
1Shoppingcart, or use Form
Build It or the SBI Newsletter module.
Step 2 - Search
for relevant content that you can tie into a Mini Course and then use as follow
up messages later on. You might have to search through other article directories
as well to find enough good content.
Step 3 - Build pages on your website for
each of your Mini Course Lessons using the articles you found at
- you want to drive people back to your site as often as possible so they have a
chance to see your affiliate product recommendations and click on your Adsense
ads if you have them.
Step 4 - Preface each article with a
short, keyword optimized introduction that tells your reader what she is about
to read.
Step 5 - Finish up each article with a
brief, keyword optimized summary and if possible include some specific action
steps to get your reader's mind off the contents of the article they just read
and get them listening to you again :-)
Step 6 - Put a recommendation to a
product or service (your own or an affiliate product) in your summary (or in the
action steps) that's related to the content of the article and ask your visitors
to go and check it out.
Remember, don't switch from one product recommendation to the next during
this series - Presell just one product several times and you will massively
increase conversions.
Then once people have purchased that product (or you've made it available
several times and it looks like they aren't interested in it) you can switch to
other related products and services instead.
Step 7 - Write a series of short
introductory email messages using your autoresponder program or Newsletter and
give your readers a link to each article in the series. Keep your messages short
and to the point. Tell your readers the benefit they will receive when they read
the article, give them the link, and sign off.
Send your Mini Course out daily for 5 days, then follow up with your other
messages once a week, or every few days. Then as long as people are reading your
messages, keep adding more to the end of the series, keep following up, and keep
banking those checks :-)
Option 2
If you are just trying to sell one particular product (particularly an
affiliate product you are promoting) and maybe you want to follow up with other
recommendations later on, then this next option is perfect.
Step 1 - Do a product review page
pointing out the pros and cons of the product and offer a free mini course
covering additional tips to people who read your review.
Then refer people to the merchant's sales page after they have given you
their name and email address.
Step 2 - For your autoresponder Mini
Course, just go to the merchant's sales letter and copy sections of his page of
it straight into your autoresponder messages.
This way even if your visitor didn't read the sales letter, you are drip
feeding them the content, including all the benefits and reasons they should buy
the product, one day at a time.
Step 3 - Then at the end of each message,
tell your readers to go and check out the product again (include a link to the
full sales letter) for all the details.
You can re-word the merchant's content slightly in your messages but be
careful not to lose the power of the sales copy. These letters can cost
thousands to create and test so you want to use that to your advantage.
This way, over a week or so, they will get repeated exposures to the
merchant's sales message and you have several opportunities to sell a product.
Plus you still have the prospects name and email address so you can follow up
again and again...
Step 4 - Then, simply use the article
content strategy we talked about in Option 1 above to create a follow up series
of messages Preselling other products and services to your list.
Easy! The simple, fast track way to create relevant autoresponder messages
and Mini Courses related to your niche market...
I hope this lesson helps you to increase your affiliate commissions, sell
more stuff, and boost your website's revenue and profits.
Until next time,
Take it easy,

P.S. If you need any help setting up your site, your autoresponders,
or anything else in your business, I can help. Just
visit my Services page to see the various ways I can assist you to get the
most out of Solo Build It.
P.P.S. And don't forget, you can review any of the other lessons in this coaching
course by visiting
this page.