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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson
38 - The Perry Marshall Big Bang Theory
This morning I was reading my copy of Perry
Marshall's Renaissance Club Newsletter (the guy's a genius, you
should subscribe to this, details
here) and among the articles there was one that really made me think.
It was about a blog post Perry had read where somebody introduced the idea of
"The Perry Marshall Big Bang Theory".
Now this ties in really well with Lesson
31 were we discussed 'niching down' your business into a smaller, less
competitive market to increase your profits.
What Perry has done is to basically dominate the market for information on
making money with Google Adwords - he has positioned himself as 'the' go-to guy
if you want to use Adwords to advertise profitably. If you type the keyword
phrase Perry Marshall AdWords
into Google, you get 141,000 results.
Most of these results are from Perry's affiliates promoting his products
because they make more money by promoting his stuff that any of the other
Adwords products available. He does very little paid marketing now because it
all gets done for him...
Bottom Line: Perry has engineered himself
into the position of being the preeminent, most well known expert on Google
Adwords around, and his affiliates pay to help him spread his reach far and wide
across the world.
He originally narrowed down the huge niche of providing 'Internet Marketing
Training' to becoming an expert on one small corner of that world - Google
Now that his position as 'the' expert of that niche is secure, he is
branching out into the broader Internet Marketing arena and becoming known (and
getting asked to speak about and comment on) all of the other aspects of
Internet Marketing - email marketing, website design and conversion,
copywriting, traffic generation, etc.
By becoming a master of one niche and basically dominating it, Perry now has
the credibility to expand his influence and massively increase his reach (and
therefore his income) by systematically moving out into a larger market.
What can you
learn from this?
As we discussed in Lesson
31, if you can first 'niche down' your web business into a smaller area that
you can dominate instead of just being one of millions of people trying to get
yourself heard, you can become the authority in that small market and ultimately
dominate it. It may not even take that long if you find a small enough
Then once you are the go-to guy (or gal :-) in that market, gradually expand
your reach into larger and larger parts of that same market and become known as
an expert on more than one aspect of what you do.
As Perry said in his newsletter, "If you are an
expert on 100 things, nobody will ask you about anything. If you are an expert
on 1 thing, they'll ask you about everything."
Action Steps
Drill down into your niche market
and find a topic two or three levels down that you can become an expert in
quickly (if you aren't already)
Create a 5 day Mini Course on
this topic and cover the main points to show that you know what you are
talking about. Offer an affiliate product related to your mini course in
each lesson (the same product 5 times, not 5 different products)
Follow up with additional
articles and product offerings to your list of Mini Course subscribers once
the Mini Course is complete
Build 5 to 10 keyword focused
content pages around this tight niche market. Make the Most Wanted Response
of these pages to have people opt in to your Mini Course
Write and submit several articles
to article directories (
is ideal for this) to start generating both short term and long term traffic
- then continue writing and submitting additional articles over time - the
compounding effect will help you to generate lots of very targeted,
long-term website visitors
If you are familiar with the
Adwords system (if not, grab
Perry's Free Adwords Mini Course Here), create a Google campaign and
start driving traffic to a landing page dedicated to capturing your
visitor's name and email address
Invest some time each week
answering questions in your favorite niche forum - become a visible, helpful
expert in your niche and cool things happen :-)
Once you become well known in
your smaller niche, start to grow your business out into parts of the larger
niche over time. Eventually you will start to become known as an expert in
more than one area and people will seek you out for your opinion
By following this formula you could find yourself being interviewed on your
favorite topic, have Joint Venture partners contacting you (this happens to me
now) and become famous in your chosen market.
How cool is that?
I really hope this lesson helps you to become a well known expert in your
field and opens up many new doors for you and your business.
Live long and prosper,

P.S. And if you want to
move on with the next lesson, or review any of the other lessons in this
coaching course, you can by visiting
this page.