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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 19 - Creating
Supercharged Articles
Hi again,
In today's article, I'm going to share the exact details of how you can magically and effortlessly encourage people who
read your articles on somebody else's site to click through to your website to take a look.
You'll also learn how to get multiple chances to sell to them once they're there...
This system works a treat, and the best part is, you can start to use this technique yourself as soon as you finish
reading this article.
To read today's lesson, visit -
Questions And Answers
I've heard that submitting articles to is a good way of getting
additional visitors and boosting my website's PageRank. How do I do this? Read
More in this SBI Tips article
Are we allowed to add a "headline" inside
another's article and not have it count as us "changing their
article" Read
Don't miss next weeks article where we'll continue this series of advanced articles using proven techniques you'll
want to try straight away.
Until then,
Best wishes,

P.S. If you need any help with your site, remember, I can help. Just
visit my Services page to see the various ways I can assist you to get the
most out of Solo Build It.
P.P.S. And don't forget, you can review any of the other lessons in this coaching
course by visiting
this page.