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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 47 - Freelancing: Exchanging Your
Skills For Cash

Hello again and welcome to this lesson.

Would you just love to work from home right now but your Internet business hasn't taken off to the point where that's possible yet? 

Well here's an alternative that could get you working from home NOW while you build your Solo Build It business to the point where it supports you...

Freelancing refers to the process of offering your services for someone else on a per project basis. The best way to explain this is through an example.

Let's suppose you possess excellent writing skills, you enjoy writing, and you could do it every day. 

There are millions (and I’m not exaggerating) of webmasters and internet marketers out there who are in need of fresh content and new products on a daily basis. 

Their demand for digitally written works is so great that even if they are blessed with just as much writing prowess as you, they simply don’t have the time to come up with everything they need to build their businesses. Hence, they resort to outsourcing.

And this is where you enter the picture.

As a freelancer offering your writing services for a fee, you can take on projects that appeal to you whenever you need the extra cash. 

You will be paid per delivery, and once each project is done, you can take on more clients for consistent earnings.

But freelancing is not only limited to writing, or ghostwriting as it is technically known. There are other services that you could offer, depending on the area of proficiency you possess. 

Here are more examples:

  • Graphic creation and design

  • Web creation and design

  • Software development

  • Data encoding

  • Technical article and other specialized content writing

  • Specific website development services for Solo Build It owners

  • Link exchanges and link building

  • Translation to specific languages

  • Marketing consultancy

  • Strategic placement consultancy

There are many more opportunities of course, ranging from something as complex as creating advanced JavaScripts to something as seemingly trivial but as surprisingly effective as forum and/or blog posting (yes, I kid you not! You’ll get paid per post you make!). 

The bottom line is, if you have some services to offer that can be delivered digitally, freelancing is always available for you. 

There are advantages and disadvantages to this earning opportunity. Let’s take a look at the distinct benefits you can reap from this option...

  • You can work anytime you want, from the comforts of your own home. Your only concern is to deliver high quality products on or before the deadline your client has set

  • Freelancing requires minimal investment, or none at all. Promoting your services can be done without spending a single cent. 

But as with everything else, the best advertising vehicles are often those which you have to pay for. Be that as it may, you won’t be promoting heavily, and any financial investment you will be forced to make will not cost you a fortune

  • You have the liberty to accept the projects that you want, and turn down the projects you’re not happy about. Orders will come from your clients, but you remain your own boss

It’s not entirely a bed of roses for freelancing though. Let’s take a look at a few of the disadvantages of this trade...

  • You will earn an amount equivalent to the work you have done. If you can only do so much in one day, you can only earn just as much. Remember this is like having a job - your income is linear and you create no residual value for yourself

  • You will have to work hard to complete some projects; and for many hours on occasions. Freelancing may afford you certain liberties, but the same principle applies: no work, no pay

  • Expansion is also quite difficult. You’re only a single person after all and there is only so much you could do

  • Your orders would be dependent on how efficiently you market your services. There are other earning opportunities that promise more rewards for less work using the same marketing vehicles you will be forced to take

If you'd like some quick cash and you want to give freelancing a test drive, here are some splendid places where you could advertise your services and solicit some clients:

The choice is yours. If you’re looking for sure profit fast, then freelancing is a great option indeed. 

But if you want to plan long-term, I suggest that you continue building your Solo Build It sites as well and explore other earning opportunities to diversify your earnings as much as possible and increase your business's longer term stability.

Diversity Is The Key...

Like my mentor Dan Kennedy says, "They all go lame". He's referring to his horses obviously, but he's also talking about to every employee, contractor, income stream, business opportunity, partner and everything else that starts off working well and eventually goes bad.

One of anything is a bad number. Again, one employee, one contractor, one income stream, one business, one marketing method, one partner or one of anything else is fraught with danger.

ALWAYS diversify and back-up everything...

  • That way when your best sales person Crystal quits and walks out with all of your client files under her arm, you have a backup of their names and contact info and can call on your other sales staff to fill the gap...

  • Or when you get 'Google Slapped' and they crank your Adwords ad costs up to $10 a click instead of 10 cents because Kim with the PhD over at Google didn't like the look of your Opt-in page...

  • Or they ban your Infomercials (like they did several years ago) and you generate 100% of your leads from this medium

  • Or the FTC tells you that you have 90 days to get your marketing audio tape out of circulation or they'll hit you with a multi-million dollar fine (like the Dead Doctors Don't Lie tape)

  • Or when they outlaw broadcast fax (which was your only marketing system) so you can't use it any more unless you have an existing relationship with the person your sending it to

  • Or when they start charging 5 cents per email message so your marketing suddenly goes from basically free to very expensive...

Get the idea?

Always have alternatives to everything you do just in case something out of your control comes out of left field and tries to whack you out of the game.

If you do you'll build a strong, reliable long-term business, not just a short-term moneymaker...

Having said all that, I hope this lesson has given you a viable alternative that will let you work from home until your SBI sites produce enough income for you to sit back and just cash the checks.

That's it for today,

Until next time,

Take care,

P.S. Having problems? If you'd like a hand with anything to do with getting your Solo Build It site up and running, make sure you visit my services page to see how I can assist you in getting the most out of Solo Build It.

P.P.S. And if you want to move on with the next lesson, or review any of the other lessons in this coaching course, you can by visiting this page.