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Solo Build It Mastery Lesson 42 - 5 Alternative Ways To Prepare Your Own Ebooks And Special Reports Without Having To Write A Single Word
Welcome to Lesson 42 of the Solo Build It Mastery Coaching Course. Today we
are going to look at how you can quickly and easily create your own top selling
info-products to sell from your Solo Build It site...
Many online marketers today make a living by selling their own products. Among the most popular digital products to sell are eBooks and special reports.
These are files in written form (and often turned into audio files to add
even more value) where useful and desired information can be shared.
Indeed, information is what fuels the internet. It’s not called the information superhighway for nothing, after all.
People go online to search for information. And if you have the information they need, then they will come to you. And if this information holds a lot of value, you could sell the same and make some wonderful profit.
And since words are the primary tools of communication in the World Wide Web, information is often conveyed in written form, i.e. the aforementioned eBooks and special reports.
But preparing written works is not easy. For starters, not everyone can write
compelling stuff that others will pay money for. And those who can often don’t have the time to
do it anyway.
Fortunately, there are some alternatives you can take which allow you to prepare your own eBook or special report without having to write down a single word.
Let’s take a look at 5 of these options...
1. Gather a collection of related articles and compile them in a single
This would be the easiest way to prepare your own digital product. These articles can be PLR
(private label rights) works which grant you the right to alter them and use their content anyway you please.
Or they may be articles written by other people, which you have compiled from renowned websites like or
If you choose the latter set, just make sure that you respect the terms and conditions of their usage, primary of which is the inclusion of the original author’s resource box.
You can’t just bundle up articles left and right, however. Make sure that one article would organically and logically flow to the
next like the chapters of a book. You can ensure this by studying the articles you want to include.
2. Conduct an interview with an expert and record the
After you've recorded your interview, hire someone from
, or
to transcribe the conversation you had with your expert. You’d be surprised how quickly you
can create 50 to 200 pages worth of essential reading material using this method.
3. Buy an existing eBook or special report that comes with private label
This would enable you to alter the contents of the book ro report, and even name yourself as the author of the work.
You could add some materials as you feel are necessary, or better yet, you could combine two, three, or even ten of these PLR eBooks or special reports to come up with
a great body of information worthy of some notice.
4. Hire a ghostwriter to prepare an eBook or a special report for
There are many, many freelance writers looking for work at the websites I
mentioned above. It’s just a matter of selecting the best writer for the job at a price that will not be too daunting to your budget.
You should expect to pay $200 to $1,000 for a 50 page eBook.
5. Here’s a novel approach. Join an internet marketing forum, and ask a
A good example would be “How Could You Profit From The Internet With A $0 Budget.” For certain, you’ll get some amazingly enlightening replies.
Compile these replies until you’ll have enough materials to come up with an eBook or a special report. Ask the posters’ permission to avoid any copyright issues.
Chances are, they’ll agree, provided that a link to their respective websites would be included in your work.
Lack of writing ability, or not having the time to write for yourself, is never a bar for
producing of your own digital products. All you need is a little imagination, and hopefully, the suggestions above have stirred up some
good ideas in your mind.
I really hope this lesson helps you to come up with ideas for creating your
very own products to sell from your SBI site.
Until next time,
Take it easy,

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